Get ready for Virtual Learning!
- Virtual Learning Snow Days will follow the 2-Hour Delay arrival time. The school day will begin for all RFES students at 11:00 am and conclude at 3:45 pm.
- Attendance will be taken in FOCUS, the student information system, on all virtual learning days.
- All students (K-5th) will have a lunch break from 12:30 to 1:00 pm.
- Students can access their schedule by navigating to the Virtual Snow Day folder in their Schoology Homeroom “Course”. The following Information can also be accessed in Schoology:
RFES Virtual Snow Day Information
Accessing Google Meet
Google Meet Codes for all RFES Staff
Technology Support
If you have concerns or questions about technology, please reach out to the BCPS Help Desk by calling 443-809-4672 or visiting